
Inspiration for your soul.




QUANTUM LEAP YOUR CONSCIOUSNESS. Ready to stop overthinking? There is a stream of energy that surrounds you at all times. You can loosen adhesions in your attention by focusing on this stream. My horse whispering mentor Fabi recently guided me in opening up to sense the subtle microclimates of energy within and around the body, as portals into expanded states of consciousness. This video will help you get out of your head and into more multidimensional perception so you can become available to the next natural steps in your life. 

You can trust the stream! You got this.

With so much love,


PS: You can connect with Fabi here:

*Want more high vibe inspiration? Join the Leader of Light Sisterhood Facebook Group now:

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Crack the Code to Freedom!


Yes you deserve full liberation freedom and bliss!

It’s time to surround yourself with highflying visionaries who elevate your vision and see your potential and hold you accountable for the embodiment of your sacred gifts!

Click the link to join us now! It’s totally free!

You can watch all the replays and catch the next three days starting tomorrow on September 1 at 10 AM Pacific time for an hour training and an additional bonus hour of laser hot seat coaching where you can ask all your questions and get support.

With so much love,

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Overcome Self Doubt Now!


You ever have one of those, "I can't believe this is happening!" days?

I woke at 4am this morning to prep for broadcasting Day 1 of the, "5 Steps to Create Your Signature Program" and my eye was almost swollen shut.

Imagine how you would feel.... weeks preparing for your big event, and a giant swollen eye...

The timeless self doubt arose, "what will people think?". Then, "how will they trust me if I look bad?" 

After a few moments of self pity, wallowing in doubts about how I could get through this at my best... I decided to apply the very same techniques I was to teach about today - how to overcome self doubt! 

The result?

Our gathering was authentic, heart opening and real. 

Zoom "face smother" concealed the swelling, I focused on giving and serving instead of my own face, and it was a gorgeous and empowering transmission!

This is the kind of miracle that arises when you decide to show up, "no matter what". YOU can make this decision as well and start...

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Nourish yourself deeply so you can channel grace 🤩


Aloha My Friend,

This weekend I took 24 hours off to completely realign my nervous system, and I invite you to do the same!

Slowing down is such an important act of self-care and self-love.

If you are serving large numbers of people you must take the time to nourish yourself! Create A Sacred Reset. 

If you're a mystic, a creative, someone who facilitates states of grace and miracles, we absolutely must create time...

Time to let go of density, distortion, and overthinking so we can purify our consciousness and come back to a clear intention.

Are you craving a sacred space of support while you realign and get clear?

I'm here to help!

A loving community of Divine feminine leaders is gathering this week to get clear about our gifts so we can each serve at a higher level.

Yes, you deserve to be nourished AND to live the life of your dreams.

Join me tomorrow for the first day of our 5-day High Frequency Activation! 

5 Steps...

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You Deserve Bliss!


BLISS is your birthright!  💕💕💕

Experience the undulating waves of pleasure that arise from living your dharma, feeling freedom and feeling the joy of sharing your creative gifts!

This is your birthright --  feeling the ecstasy of sharing your soul's mission. Full body fulfillment, awe and reverence is available by saying YES!

Say YES to your sacred medicine! You deserve FREEDOM! 

Freedom to be seen and heard while you offer your gifts to the world, financial freedom as a beautiful reward for being so devoted and generous, emotional freedom from and densities, mental freedom from limiting beliefs as you SOAR!

If you're ready to fly, join me in a sacred space with other light workers from around the globe as we gather to bring structure and form to our most esoteric and inspired.

We meet AUGUST 30-SEPTEMBER 3 at 10am Pacific daily for an hour of sacred business training for Divine Feminine Leaders, then I'll stay on for a bonus hour of hot...

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Plan For Your Student's Success!


PLAN FOR YOUR STUDENT'S SUCCESS: Build emotional support into your next traning program! It isn’t enough to just teach your “material”. You must anticipate the gremlins that will arise for your students along the way.

Want support?

>>> CLICK HERE TO JOIN my upcoming FREE 5 Day High Frequency Activation: 5 Steps to Create Your Signature Program, happening August 30-September 3 10-11am PT!

Click here to join now!



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Vibrational Self Responsibility! RISE UP! Free Event May 19, 20+21!

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How to Be a Somatic Oracle, Ascension, The Art of Breathwork Ceremony Facilitation and Rising up as a Luminary!


Enjoy this transmission where I share about things I actually haven't spoken about much in public, including: 

* How I got started facilitating groups 

* Why I'm so passionate about presence 

* How to become a somatic oracle 

* How to navigate stress and fear while presenting 

* How to transmute pain into love and compassion with the Christ Light 

* The art of rising up into Luminous Leadership!

I hope you enjoy this!

Click here to learn more about next week.

Click here to learn more about membership.

Click here to learn more about my. psychedelic audios

Click here to learn more about Dewi.

With infinite Love,


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Come be with me!


Are you here to create something big that will touch the lives of thousands of people?

Are you called to combine all your sacred gifts into signature program or training academy to create financial freedom for yourself while raising the vibration of humanity?

Now is the time!

Stop taking endless spiritual trainings and create your own!

I would love to invite you to join me for a FREE 3 day event Monday-Wednesday, "3 Steps to Create a Signature Program" where I will share the beginning steps I share with my 1:1 coaching clients who are ready to rise up and share their medicine in a big way!

At this 3 Day "Get It Done" Online Retreat you will:

DAY 1: Say Goodbye to Self Doubt
DAY 2: Clarify Your Secret Soul Gifts
DAY 3: Amplify Your Divine Feminine Magnetism!

Our time together will include coaching practices AND embodiment exercises to help you elevate your energy and commitment to rising up to the next level in your life and service!

CLICK LINK to register now.

I am SO excited to share with...

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DIVINE LIGHT IS WITHIN YOU! Now is the time to honor Your journey, all the lessons You’ve learned and the wisdom You’ve gained!

You have precious gems, a wealth of love and insights that could literally change the course of someone’s life.

You have been entrusted with a sacred mission of global service and it’s time to say YES!

Join me this coming Monday, April 25-27, 11 AM to 12 noon for, “Create Your Signature Program”, a three day online retreat for Divine Feminine Luminaries who are ready to rise up and create their own Soul to Soul signature program.

I been creating professional training curriculums, blueprints, templates and structures for over 20 years, have trained thousands of teachers and my programs have been featured in Time, O, Live on Dr. Oz and in hundreds of other media outlets.

I’m here to help you RISE and create your own structured training program to elevate the consciousness of humanity.

Each day will have a different...

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