
Inspiration for your soul.



Blue Lotus Tea and Breathwork! A Match Made in Heaven

The Blue Lotus Flower, Nymphaea caerulea, also known as the Blue Water Lily, is an ancient sacred flower with medicinal properties that can enhance the dreamtime quality of your Breath of Bliss journey. It softens the mind, opens intuition, and increases feelings of sensory aliveness and connection. It's a beautiful, gentle plant medicine that can be combined with connected breathing practices to bridge the seen and unseen realms.

Blue Lotus is an inherently mystical  flower. It is an otherworldly, vibrant blue in color and only blooms once a year for just three days!

Blue Lotus promotes relaxation, increases blood flow, gently induces expanded states of consciousness, euphoria and is known as an aphrodisiac. It is a general nervous system tonic and adaptogen.

In Buddhism, this holy flower symbolizes the beauty of purity and resurrection - rising up from the mud, and spiritual awakening. It is said to...

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