
Inspiration for your soul.



The Art of Facilitating Breath Ceremonies with Freya McFarlane

One of our Breath of Bliss Facilitator Training graduate, Tantric Teacher, and Guide --Freya McFarlane-- shares her experience in the training, to being an assistant trainer and mentor, and her journey in ceremony.

Diving into the self, the human experience, and the trauma is a modality for healing. It's a unifying force that she learned from her Facilitator Training. Freya fondly calls it "Angelic Breathwork


In this video we discussed:

  • Building rituals in your day to day life
  • Expressing your artistry and uniqueness 
  • Becoming in touch with your self
  • Process in Facilitating/Breathwork ceremony


Breath is the center point, it's the string that brings everything together. 

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Being A Somatic Oracle with Russell Price

Russell Price shares his wisdom and passion about being a Somatic Oracle. We learn more about connecting and opening up our extra sensory perception, and being more hyper aware of our surroundings. 

In this video we discussed:

  • How to stay regulated
  • Cultivating your self-awareness
  • Sensing and channeling emotions and experiences
  • What aspects you want to cultivate more

I've also announced the 2022 Breathwork Facilitator Training. Click here for more information and updates!

Continue cultivating yourself like a work of art~

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Christabel Interviewed by Nyck on Bay FM in Byron Bay, Australia


What a pleasure to return to BayFM for my third interview in Byron Bay, Australia in January 2020. Click the video link above to listen to our spirited conversation about breathwork, spiritual awakening, world peace and more.

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Breath of Bliss Featured on the Priestess Podcast!


What an honor to be featured on the Priestess Podcast! Julie Parker is a POWERHOUSE inspiration to me, the founder of Beautiful You Coaching Academy, Priestess Temple School and so much more. To have been invited to share about Breath of Bliss on her divine feminine show was a delight! —> Click play on the video above to listen to our beautiful conversation.  

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Breathwork and Ascension: An Interview with Sandra Walter in Sedona, Arizona

Are you curious about the connection between breathwork and ascension?
Watch this video where I interview Ascension Guide Sandra Walter in Sedona, Arizona -- City of the Star People.
I created this as a bonus for our recent Level 2 class of Breath of Bliss Facilitators, to support them as they support their diverse communities.
By the end of the talk, I realized the content may be interesting to the larger community, so sharing here!

  Check it out   

Sandra Walter is an Ascension Guide Wayshower who travels between Sedona and Mt. Shasta doing gridwork, timeline forecasts, video transmission, presenting at events and creating ascension courses. She is also a guest faculty member of Breath of Bliss and some of her offerings will be included in our upcoming Level 1 and Level 2 trainings in Bali April 13-18 and also in September in Thailand. Learn more about her work here.
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From Army Commando to Breath of Bliss Facilitator - Lucas NicolsonĀ 

Where are they now?

The Breath of Bliss facilitator training is a transformative, life enhancing experience. In this series, we catch up with some former students to find out how the course helped prepare them for a life as a heart-centered leader in the world.

Have you ever stood still when your body wanted to run? Feeling as though all the possibilities of your future are spinning around you and waiting to settle on the direction you take. 

This was how Lucas, a former Army Commando felt when he saw the ‘Breath of Bliss’ flyer pinned to the Byron Bay community notice board. He wanted to find out more, and yet he wanted to run. 

The reaction is a classic one; flight, fight or freeze. In the end, it was curiosity that moved the Afghan veteran, to open the doors to the community hall and join Christabel's Breath workshop happening at Byron Spirit Festival 2016.

“Sometimes, life feels like all the doors are being opened for you.” Lucas...

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International Breathwork Foundation Features Breath of Bliss and Breathfest in Newsletter

What an honor to be featured in the International Breath Foundation April 2017 newsletter! A report Ana Berenguer.

"This year was the 10th anniversary of the Bali Spirit Festival (BSF). The organisers Meghan Pappenheim, Kadek Gunarta and Robert Weber started the project in 2008 when tourism in Bali was devastated because of the bombings in 2002 and 2005. But they still believed in the potential of the island. Their passion for yoga, dance and music made them put together this event that now gathers thousands of people from all over the world."

BSF is a celebration of yoga, dance, music and healing. First class professionals from the five continents come together to enjoy and share diversity. Many types of yoga are represented. Dance, martial arts and healing music events are going on all day long. Many healers offer private sessions at the venue. There are activities for kids and family. The music program is huge. There is live music all day at Coco Stage. At night this year...

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Finding Leadership Through Ecstatic Breathing

Breath of Bliss founder, Christabel Zamor, featured on Wisdom from North TV while teaching at Bali Spirit Festival, speaking on the power of leadership and ecstatic breath.

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Breath of Bliss Breathwork Featured on Heart to Heart TV


Enjoy this amazing interview about breathwork for Heart to Heart TV by Shakti Sundari with Christabel Zamor, the founder of Breath of Bliss, with clips of the Bali Spirit Festival.

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