
Inspiration for your soul.



You are a Divine Creator!

Meet Maria Heart Song! A recent Rise Graduate, sharing her codes and wisdom! Want more FREE training? CLICK the link to join the Sept 19-23 QUANTUM LEAP: 5 Steps to Create Your Signature Program online immersion!



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Create a Vibrational Updraft Now!

Meet epic Rise Coach Skylar Mallas-Darby who will be sharing powerful empowerment codes for YOU in the September 19-23 Quantum Leap: 5 Steps to Create Your Signature Progam! This woman is on FIRE and it's such an honor to have her share her masterful transmissions to help you ELEVATE your consciousness, your worthiness your success, your life!

If you haven't signed up, there's still time!

Sign up here: 

I can't wait to see you!



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5 Steps To A Dream Life

I’ll be sharing how I became recession-proof, abundant, thriving and fulfilled, back here in Bali again after previous years of extreme change globally.

Want more FREE training? CLICK the link to join the Sept 19-23 QUANTUM LEAP: 5 Steps to Create Your Signature Program online immersion! Love, Christabel

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Bust the Belief of Being Behind

Bust the Belief of Being Behind so You Can Enjoy More Bliss! You are where you need to be right now Together we rise!

Want more FREE training? CLICK the link to join the Sept 19-23 QUANTUM LEAP: 5 Steps to Create Your Signature Program online immersion!


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Build Your Fempire


Sisters! Want to boost worthiness as a Queen? Elevate motivation to serve globally? Overcome gremlins as you rise? Check out this video with Aesha Shapiro of Fempire and Christabel Zamor of Leader of Light Academy Ready for a Quantum Leap? Join Christabel for her upcoming FREE 5 day online training broadcasting live from Bali September 19-23. Register now at

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How to Manifest While Mourning

Need support? Check out this video: "How to Manifest When You're Mourning".

You will learn:
- How can you actually stay aligned as a deliberate creator when tragedy strikes?
- How can you consciously create while in deep grief and sadness?
- Is manifesting while mourning even possible?

Join me in a very raw, vulnerable, and real exploration about how to navigate seemingly opposite states of being so you can find your way home.

Whether you are feeling overwhelmed by the news of the devastating tragedy in Maui, have recently lost a loved one, or feel as if you are generally hanging onto life by your fingertips, this video is for you. There is hope.

Sending love to all in need, all facing the void, all navigating rapid change. You are safe. You are loved.

You are not alone.

We can get through this.


>>Want more FREE training? CLICK HERE to join the Sept 19-23 QUANTUM LEAP: 5 Steps to Create Your Signature Program online immersion! 

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The Number 1 Secret to Manifesting Your Dream



Watch this video to discover the #1 Secret to Manifesting Your Dream! Want more FREE training? CLICK HERE to join the Sept 19-23 QUANTUM LEAP: 5 Steps to Create Your Signature Program online immersion! 

If you want more juicy empowerment, join me Every MONDAY at 5pm Pacific (TUESDAY at 8am Bali) in the brand new re-birthed Rise Sisterhood Facebook Group for the MANIFESTATION MONDAY live stream video. 




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How to Add Christabel to Your Gmail Safe Send List


Here's how to add me to your email Safe Send List so you get the love notes I send for events like the upcoming FREE 5-Day Quantum Leap: 5 Steps to Create Your Signature Program happening September 19-23!   

Love, Christabel 

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How to have courage to do the impossible in 2023 πŸŽ‰

Dear Luminary,

As we begin 2023 I would love to empower you to reconsider what you may assume is impossible.

Yes, you can create a life of freedom, pleasure, and bliss! You get lit up with creativity, energy and inspiration every single day.

It is your divine birthright to be surrounded by high-frequency allies who are creating an upward spiral with you. You get to live your life like a "choose your own adventure" story where you are the hero or heroine!

Since announcing I'm moving to Bali, many have asked how I have the "courage" to create such a change.

The truth is that courage is a learnable skill that I train for every day! And you can too!

In this video, I  share my own morning routine and several mindsets that help me get fiercely courageous.

I hope this inspires you to live 2023 full out and finally create your legacy!

I also want to let you know I have incredible high-frequency gifts I'm creating for you...

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