
Inspiration for your soul.



You Deserve Bliss!


BLISS is your birthright!  ðŸ’•ðŸ’•ðŸ’•

Experience the undulating waves of pleasure that arise from living your dharma, feeling freedom and feeling the joy of sharing your creative gifts!

This is your birthright --  feeling the ecstasy of sharing your soul's mission. Full body fulfillment, awe and reverence is available by saying YES!

Say YES to your sacred medicine! You deserve FREEDOM! 

Freedom to be seen and heard while you offer your gifts to the world, financial freedom as a beautiful reward for being so devoted and generous, emotional freedom from and densities, mental freedom from limiting beliefs as you SOAR!

If you're ready to fly, join me in a sacred space with other light workers from around the globe as we gather to bring structure and form to our most esoteric and inspired.

We meet AUGUST 30-SEPTEMBER 3 at 10am Pacific daily for an hour of sacred business training for Divine Feminine Leaders, then I'll stay on for a bonus hour of hot...

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Come be with me!


Are you here to create something big that will touch the lives of thousands of people?

Are you called to combine all your sacred gifts into signature program or training academy to create financial freedom for yourself while raising the vibration of humanity?

Now is the time!

Stop taking endless spiritual trainings and create your own!

I would love to invite you to join me for a FREE 3 day event Monday-Wednesday, "3 Steps to Create a Signature Program" where I will share the beginning steps I share with my 1:1 coaching clients who are ready to rise up and share their medicine in a big way!

At this 3 Day "Get It Done" Online Retreat you will:

DAY 1: Say Goodbye to Self Doubt
DAY 2: Clarify Your Secret Soul Gifts
DAY 3: Amplify Your Divine Feminine Magnetism!

Our time together will include coaching practices AND embodiment exercises to help you elevate your energy and commitment to rising up to the next level in your life and service!

CLICK LINK to register now.

I am SO excited to share with...

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DIVINE LIGHT IS WITHIN YOU! Now is the time to honor Your journey, all the lessons You’ve learned and the wisdom You’ve gained!

You have precious gems, a wealth of love and insights that could literally change the course of someone’s life.

You have been entrusted with a sacred mission of global service and it’s time to say YES!

Join me this coming Monday, April 25-27, 11 AM to 12 noon for, “Create Your Signature Program”, a three day online retreat for Divine Feminine Luminaries who are ready to rise up and create their own Soul to Soul signature program.

I been creating professional training curriculums, blueprints, templates and structures for over 20 years, have trained thousands of teachers and my programs have been featured in Time, O, Live on Dr. Oz and in hundreds of other media outlets.

I’m here to help you RISE and create your own structured training program to elevate the consciousness of humanity.

Each day will have a different...

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Join me for a FREE 3 Day Online Retreat April 25,26&27!


Have you  gotten guidance that you're here to create something big that will touch the lives of hundreds and thousands of people?

Are you called to combine all your sacred gifts into signature program or training academy to create financial freedom for yourself while raising the vibration of humanity?

Now is the time! 

Stop taking endless spiritual trainings and create your own!

I would love to invite you to join me for a FREE 3 day event Monday-Wednesday, "3 Steps to Create a Signature Program" where I will share the beginning steps I share with my 1:1 coaching clients who are ready to rise up and share their medicine in a big way!

At this 3 Day "Get It Done" Online Retreat you will:

DAY 1: Say Goodbye to Self Doubt
DAY 2: Clarify Your Secret Soul Gifts
DAY 3: Amplify Your Divine Feminine Magnetism!

Our time together will include coaching practices AND embodiment exercises to help you elevate your energy and...

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The Art of Facilitating Breath Ceremonies with Freya McFarlane

One of our Breath of Bliss Facilitator Training graduate, Tantric Teacher, and Guide --Freya McFarlane-- shares her experience in the training, to being an assistant trainer and mentor, and her journey in ceremony.

Diving into the self, the human experience, and the trauma is a modality for healing. It's a unifying force that she learned from her Facilitator Training. Freya fondly calls it "Angelic Breathwork


In this video we discussed:

  • Building rituals in your day to day life
  • Expressing your artistry and uniqueness 
  • Becoming in touch with your self
  • Process in Facilitating/Breathwork ceremony


Breath is the center point, it's the string that brings everything together. 

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Being A Somatic Oracle with Russell Price

Russell Price shares his wisdom and passion about being a Somatic Oracle. We learn more about connecting and opening up our extra sensory perception, and being more hyper aware of our surroundings. 

In this video we discussed:

  • How to stay regulated
  • Cultivating your self-awareness
  • Sensing and channeling emotions and experiences
  • What aspects you want to cultivate more

I've also announced the 2022 Breathwork Facilitator Training. Click here for more information and updates!

Continue cultivating yourself like a work of art~

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Remember Your Soul Purpose


Every breath is a miracle! Every moment that you are alive on this planet is a miracle!

Being alive is an immaculate gift.

You, pre-incarnation, won the lotto to get a body and life.

Among billions of souls in line to be incarnated, you won! You knew what you were signing up for -- Covid, crazy politics... and you were excited about coming down here at this time, committed to showing up and doing something positive.

So, how are you expending your energy right now? Complaining, gossip and finger pointing and giving away your creative energy? Or are you rising up and creating what you came here to create and speaking the message you came here to share?

You chose this soul mission. Decide that you're here to have a revelation of awakening. Decide to discover a level of service and excellence that has never been seen on Earth. Cultivate the qualities within that will help you serve at your highest potential.

Remember, it's natural to have to recommit to your course of your life. Just...

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Breathe in the Diamond Light of Your Higher Self


 Want a quick way to realign?

 Love cosmic communion? 

 Ready to be luminous?

You can actually breathe in diamond light!

Just open your imagination...

Here's a video to inspire you uplevel your soulful self care by bathing in diamond light. Watch it now and be sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel to get all the latest goodies!

Envision holy light all around you - opalescent, iridescent, platinum, rainbow glowing energy all around you.

Breathe deep. Imagine the crystalline light of your Higher Self saturating you.

The light invites all your cells into alignment. See the light illuminating your DNA on a subatomic level. All the electrons light up like doorways into other universes.

As you breathe, imagine you can feel realignments happening.

Feel activating the 90% dormant part of your brain!

Breathe and imagine that you are activating your superhuman abilities to know across space...

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Be Shamelessly Luminous


In these times of change, chaos and the unknown, be shamelessly luminous!

You can generate a true state of bliss from your communion with Source.

No one can take your bliss away from you. Bliss is not based on your external conditions - it is a natural frequency of Presence that abides within you when you are attuned to the miracle of life flowing through you and everything around you.

Bliss is a shift of perspective to welcome everything as holy. It is a reverence for the breath as an unbelievable miracle. Bliss arises from fulfilling your soul's mission. It is your birthright!

When you embrace your path so deeply and are so saturated by the field of your I AM PRESENCE, you become luminous!

When you do the practices that generate an overflowing wellspring of effervescent aliveness - like breathwork, ecstatic dance, water fasting, prayers - you SHINE with divine communion.

When you tune into your soul mission, simultaneous, past, future and parallel lifetimes -- reverence...

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Find the Miracle


You choose your consciousness. You don't have to buy into the collective tone and conversation. No matter what is happening outside of you, you own your mind, your thoughts and your emotions. No one can tell you what you can feel!

So cultivate the resilience to constantly circulate optimistic thoughts.

Look for the miracle unfolding in the moment.

This is the key to sovereign divinity. This is what allows you to create your destiny!

Become an athlete of the unknown - someone unwaveringly committed to finding the best case scenario amidst change.

Inhabit the vision of the future you long for and what you are here to do in your soul mission!

When you live here, every shapeshifting change in the external matrix simply opens your creativity to serve in a new way.

Make peace with everything uncontrollable outside of you.

This will prepare you to share a voice of sanity and a vision of hope and inspiration with others!

I'm standing with you and by your side as you...

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