September 9-December 9 
MYSTIC The Breath of Bliss Facilitator Training

The Ultimate Step-by-Step System to Open up as a High Frequency Channel and Create Abundance by Sharing Ceremonies of Love. An exclusive mentorship with Christabel Zamor and her team to help you share your sacred gifts in a structured way. Register Here.

Saturday, August 24, 1pm-4pm
Breath of Bliss Mini Retreat 

A high-vibe immersion with breathwork, ecstatic dance, writing, cacao, crystal bowl sound healing, and magic! 

Soften armoring around the heart and join us in a nurturing space as we feel the whole spectrum of our human emotions, sensations and feelings and use them to come home to our true essence as Love.

Enjoy a gentle, yet ecstatic breathwork practice to help you connect to your heart, Higher Self, Soul and beyond! Register here.

Saturday, August 17, 10am-5pm
Breath of Bliss Mini Retreat

Ready for a revelation of your wholeness, goodness and purity?

Breath of Bliss is a quantum ceremonial embodiment experience, inviting you to remember that you're a Divine Creator, you can consciously raise your vibration and create miracles!

Enjoy a gentle, yet ecstatic breathwork practice to help you connect to your heart, Higher Self, Soul and beyond! Register here.

Bring Us

"Absolutely outstanding. My cup runneth over! Two days later and I'm still vibrating. Nothing at Bali Spirit Festival even came close to this experience. I flew 21 hours to get here and it was worth every second." - Mark Gerbrandt, Music Producer

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