Stop taking endless spiritual trainings and create your own! 

A High Frequency 5 Day Activation!


Binge watch now while you still can!

Stop taking endless spiritual trainings and create your own! 

A High Frequency 5 Day Activation!


Binge watch now while you still can!

Rise Up As a Divine Creator of the New Earth!

DAY 1 TUESDAY AUG. 30: Say Goodbye to Self Doubt. Learn 3 heart-opening practices to transform doubts into Divine Love so you're on fire to start creating now!

DAY 2 WEDNESDAY AUG. 31: Clarify Your Secret Soul Gifts. Create a treasure map to get crystal clear on your course topic so you can THRIVE as a spiritual luminary.

DAY 3 THURSDAY SEPT. 1: Amplify Your Divine Feminine Magnetism! Create a blueprint to design course modules that irresistibly attract soulmate clients.

DAY 4 FRIDAY SEPT. 2: Identify Your Course Creation Codes. Discover what kind of course Creatrix you are and how to overcome the most common obstacles. 

DAY 5 SATURDAY SEPT. 3: Awaken as a Divine Conduit. Get out of your head and into your body as an ecstatic channel so you can blissfully co-create your course with Source Consciousness.

Here's what people are saying about this sacred business retreat:

“LOVE LOVE LOVE! So much rich wisdom in this high vibration transmission. A bolt āš” of electricity has turned on! I feel the urgency AND the joy of wanting to create! Feeling a big YES that I can bring in my spiritual calling. Thank you for your blazing light and compassionate kind heart!!!!” - Mia Korling, Women’s Empowerment Coach

“I am so grateful for your LUMINOUS TEACHINGS as a PRECIOUS CONDUIT of SOURCE. This is a blessing for all of us and all those that we will touch! I am empowered and expanded, you are helping us share our gifts!” - Amore Vera Aida, Spiritual Guide

“I am sooo grateful for your high-frequency masterclass – Gods gift! So aligned with my spiritual values. I so enjoy your clarity , wide open consciousness and deep love for all you do! ā¤ļø Absolutely Divine!” -Susannah Neufrau, Conscious Parenting Mentor

Christabel Zamor, M.A is an Ascension & Business Coach, Divine Channel, founder of Breath of Bliss Academy, and has created multiple professional programs, certified over 1000 instructors and has had her trainings featured in Time, O, Dr. Oz and hundreds of other media outlets! She has helped facilitators create signature programs in sound healing, alchemy, cacao ceremonies, intimacy, hypnotherapy, priestessing, and more

Join Us. Create Your Program Now!

Rise Up As a Divine Creator of the New Earth!

DAY 1: Say Goodbye to Self Doubt. Learn 3 heart-opening practices to transform doubts into Divine Love so you're on fire to start creating now!

DAY 2: Clarify Your Secret Soul Gifts. Create a treasure map to get crystal clear on your course topic so you can THRIVE as a spiritual luminary.

DAY 3: Amplify Your Divine Feminine Magnetism! Create a blueprint to design course modules that irresistibly attract soulmate clients.

DAY 4: Identify Your Course Creation Codes. Discover what kind of course Creatrix you are and how to overcome the most common obstacles. 

DAY 5: Awaken as a Divine Conduit. Learn how to get out of your head and into you body as an ecstatic channel so you can co-create your course with Source Consciousness.

Here's what people are saying about this sacred business retreat:

“LOVE LOVE LOVE! So much rich wisdom in this high vibration transmission. A bolt āš” of electricity has turned on! I feel the urgency AND the joy of wanting to create! Feeling a big YES that I can bring in my spiritual calling. Thank you for your blazing light and compassionate kind heart!!!!” - Mia Korling, Women’s Empowerment Coach

“I am so grateful for your LUMINOUS TEACHINGS as a PRECIOUS CONDUIT of SOURCE. This is a blessing for all of us and all those that we will touch! I am empowered and expanded, you are helping us share our gifts!” - Amore Vera Aida, Spiritual Guide

“I am sooo grateful for your high-frequency masterclass – Gods gift! So aligned with my spiritual values. I so enjoy your clarity , wide open consciousness and deep love for all you do! ā¤ļø Absolutely Divine!” -Susannah Neufrau, Conscious Parenting Mentor

Christabel Zamor, M.A is an Ascension & Business Coach, Divine Channel, founder of Breath of Bliss Academy, and has created multiple professional programs, certified over 1000 instructors and has had her trainings featured in Time, O, Dr. Oz and hundreds of other media outlets! She has helped facilitators create signature programs in sound healing, alchemy, cacao ceremonies, intimacy, hypnotherapy, priestessing, and more

Join Us. Create Your Program Now!