$1,699.00 USD


I agree to take 100% responsibility for my health by reading the Breathwork Safety Guide and discussing any health concerns with my doctor prior to registration.




I understand that a balanced nervous system and resilience is necessary to attend the Level 1 intensive.


To receive professional education credits towards certification and continue to the Level 2 to become a Breath of Bliss Facilitator, I will need to attend all of the live meetings and participate fully online. I will also need to demonstrate presence, emotional awareness and the ability to authentically connect to myself and others.


I commit to being drama-free in our community and am open to reflections about any triggers, projections or codependent tendencies that may arise.




I understand that payments are an expression of my 100% commitment to the full flourishing of my leadership potential and are non-refundable. 


If for any reason the dates of this event has to be changed, due to an Act of God, your enrollment automatically rolls over into the Online version of the Level 1. 




I agree to honour the logistics required for my attendance and understand that all documents need to be returned before I begin Level 1. This includes fully reviewing all parts of the Welcome Portal, including a signing a media release form, community agreements, questionnaire for your  free 15-30 minute pre-event session with Christabel. We encourage you to read the Ascension Playbook and complete all journaling prompts before attending to deepen learning.


I know that if I need any support, I can email [email protected] at any time.




Upon registration, I will receive a year of access to all the non-downloadable portal contents, including replays from last year, video recordings of my live sessions this year, and other bonus content. I will be able to download The Ascension Playbook. 




I understand that Level 1 online is a prerequisite for Level 2 online. Level 1 is for personal transformation and does not prepare or authorize me to lead online Breath of Bliss events, which only graduates of online Level 2 are permitted to share. The Level 2 online prepares me to lead online ceremonies. In the event that I want to lead live Breath of Bliss events, I can join the next live trainings at a 50% off rate to gain the specific somatic knowledge needed to facilitate live events.


I also understand that if I demonstrate qualities in my interview or in Level 1 that indicate I haven't yet reached a foundational level of embodied presence, to self regulate my nervous system, to sustain easeful eye contact, to speak from my somatic experience in the moment and to receive feedback with openness and curiosity that I may not be able to proceed into Level 2 at this time.


I understand that to meet Level 2 certification requirements, I need to attend all event LIVE online training hours and complete additional breathwork and teaching hours. In the case of any missed hours, I will need to work with a Breath of Bliss coach at an additional fee to cover missed material before Level 2 begins. Hours can be made up at a fee of $399p/h to work with Christabel or $150p/h to train with one of her lead facilitators. 


By entering your info you are agreeing to receive high-vibe, lightcode transmissions from Christabel ✨ We honour your privacy, will never share your info and you can unsubscribe at any time. 

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Level 1 Self Love Intensive Online (2021)

Registration is an expression of your 100% "YES" to attend this event and deepen self-love. This payment is not refundable.