$39.00 USD


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Breath of Bliss breathwork offerings are not a substitute for medical or psychological diagnosis or treatment. The I AM LIGHT audio is not intended to treat medical or psychological conditions. This program is a tool for spiritual and personal growth. Any healing subsequent to using this audio is a result of your own self-healing.

Do not use while operating a motorized vehicle or heavy machinery.

*Please note: iPhone users, you can only download to a laptop or desktop computer, not your iPhone. Once the files are on your computer, you can sync with your phone. iPhones now have a download restriction we can’t bypass. Thanks for understanding.

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I AM LIGHT Breathwork Audio Journey

An otherworldly, celestial voyage! I AM LIGHT is a breathwork journey to commune with your starry origins. Inhale to remember that you're an ancient soul whose come to Earth on a sacred mission. Exhale to amplify the beauty and radiance that is YOU! Let the breath carry you on a magic carpet ride away from everyday distractions like social media, endless scrolling, comparing, judging and busyness. Breathe deep to remember you are vast, you are eternal, you are free.

  • A 5 minute introduction to the Breath of Bliss practice and the theme - I AM LIGHT.

  • An 65 minute guided breathing journey to support you every step of the way.

  • Featuring transformational music by Elijah and the Band of Light.


💛"A masterpiece of multidimensional, channelled wisdom. A full ceremonial journey! As tears of bliss and grace still roll down my cheeks, I truly wish to recommend this precious recording to be used as often as possible for raising your vibration, reconnecting with Source and creating the most beauty-full reality for yourself and this planet." - Layla Aluna

💛"I was taken into a deep state of remembrance of my star nature, to Mama Kaua’i and Mu, the place of my awakening. Home here on Earth Heaven. It awakened visions of pure consciousness streaming with love. So grateful for such deep Sonic Medicine! I highly recommend it for a deep journey into the heart."  Amma Sophia Rose

💛"What an honor to receive this jewel, a sublime breath journey into purity and grace! This scintillating prayer wove all of my being into pristine light coherence, grounded in luminous Divine presence. It's like a quantum massage made of starlight dancing on water—polishing you to you emerge as the diamond who shines and lights the way!"